



“congruence” adj. the quality or state of agreeing or corresponding.

We aren’t different people in our personal lives and in our business lives. To be our best, to be authentic, to be phenomenal, we’ve got to align our personal growth with our business growth. Congruense awakens existing and future leaders to geometrical growth in their personal lives and guides them to integrate that growth into their professional lives to fuel unimagined success. Punctuated with quarterly “Un-Conventions” and reinforced with follow-on workshops, guidance and coaching, Congruense is the source for leaders that understand that “Business is Personal.”


“Un-conventional, humbling, eye-opening. I learned a great deal about others, and reinforced beliefs about myself.”
– Attendee, Congruense Winter ’19


Take a listen to Congruense’s “Music Man”, Drake Freeman, with a raw take of one of the Congruense Team’s anthems– Soulshine– and check out the video below to see Drake rocking the mic live.



Congruense Winter ’20 is a curated leadership un-conference that incorporates music, gratitude, self-awareness, health and interpersonal skills with the underlying premise that business is personal.

CON- Concert

Music is everybody’s business. It’s only the publishers who think people own it. -John Lennon

There are music lovers and music likers, there are no music haters. The Congruense team is made up of music lovers. We realize that music can lift the soul, say the things we wish we had said, transform our moods, energize us and provide the soundtrack of our lives.

Music will serve as a ribbon woven throughout our time together at Congruense Winter ’20. Live music will lighten our days and energize us for learning and growth. Music will guide us to break boundaries our break out of self-imposed restrictions. We will share the music we love and, if you’re brave, you can grab a mic or an instrument and “bring it”.

GR - Gratitude

Gratitude is the keystone “habit” that transforms lives, relationships, health, and business cultures.

  • Understand the importance of gratitude for your physical, emotional, and professional well-being
  • Break down the barriers that keep you from expressing gratitude
  • Learn the skills to recognize, acknowledge, and express gratitude
  • Develop the ability to create corporate cultures of gratitude
  • Dive into practical gratitude-letter writing and gratitude journaling workshops

EN - Energy

Success is exhausting. But it doesn’t have to be. By tapping into simple exercises and techniques that can be accessed anywhere at any time, you’ll begin to create the life habits that provide you with the energy, ability, and acuity to succeed.

  • Experience how yoga helps de-stress and energize
  • Harness the power of meditation to clear and focus the mind
  • Understand how stress affects health, well-being, and cognition
  • Learn to integrate techniques that sharpen your business skills
  • Find how you can easily incorporate nutrition, meditation and relaxation tips into your day

SE - Self-Awareness

To thine own self be true. – Shakespeare

To perform at the pinnacle of your ability, you’ve got to get to know your self. Then you’ve got to take that “ownership of self” and project it outward to become the best possible “professional you”. Businesses led by self-aware, caring leaders consistently produce better results, have greater employee satisfaction and retention.

  • Tap into what makes you special
  • Learn what to do when you find yourself feeling that business isn’t personal
  • Understand how to develop cultures of caring that deliver improved performance



Congruense is an “un-convention”. No crowded hotels and limiting conference rooms. No zombified shuffling from one dreary meeting room to another. We will be based out of  a privately owned, boutique hotel with the perfect blend of comfort, laid back style and open-air spaces where you will have ample time to relax, meet new people, take in live music, and enjoy bespoke cuisine.


Steve Maestro of Ceremonies

Steve Linn, MBA, a West Point grad and former Army officer with 25+ years of senior leadership positions including as a start-up CEO and head of operations for such well known brands as Tiffany & Co., The Vitamin Shoppe, and Alex and Ani. Steve is currently V.P. of Supply Chain Consulting for an industry leading boutique supply chain consulting organization and is a popular speaker at industry conferences. Steve is a music freak (he listens to pretty much everything, pretty much all the time) and can fake it pretty well on the piano, drums, and, rumor has it, the clarinet(!), and a voracious consumer and sharer of business books, insights and tools. Steve believes that goodness leads to greatness and that gratitude is truly the secret sauce. Steve only eats fruit until noon. Oh, he's also a beer guy.

Dave The Gratitude Dude

A business consultant, leader and entrepreneur, and a college & grad school professor, Dave doesn't just "believe" that ordinary people can change the world, he KNOWS it. As co-founder and COO of The Generosity Series, he has helped 140+ Charity Partners raise more than $11M for mission. As Chief Purpose Officer of Advantages, an Inc. 500 global branding and marketing firm, he focuses on guiding business leaders to uncover, identify with and lead from their personal and communal strengths, values and purpose. A husband, father, grandfather, educator, nonprofit board member, creator, purveyor & recycler of corny-jokes, and beer & coffee snob, Dave's Gratitude Works(hops) transform lives and business cultures. Dave is a Certified Facilitator of the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, and holds Professional Certificates in The Science of Happiness and The Foundations of Happiness at Work from UC Berkeley. His Personal Purpose statement is: To give to and share with others so that, together, we’re greater than our biggest challenges.

Drake The Music Man

A native of Atlanta and a rising star on the Nashville scene, Drake is an accomplished singer, songwriter, and musician. His debut EP was released in October 2015, and Drake has been touring the country ever since. A versatile performer, Drake plays piano, electric and acoustic guitar, bass, mandolin, and is classically trained on the viola. Drake combines musical skill with the lyrical daftness of a poet. His easy-going personality, depth of spirit, and wide-ranging musical tastes create a memorable live-music experience. Drake has written two songs that sot up the Country charts in 2019. Check out Drake's soulful sound in the clips above and on spotify and itunes and visit him here

Kristen CliftonStrengths Coach

Kristen increases the performance of individuals and teams through Gallup CliftonStrengths,
engagement, and well-being with her company O’Shea Strengths Coaching. Kristen proudly
pioneered and championed the vision of Kansas State University becoming a Strengths-based
campus. The journey of how she increased engagement, well-being and retention, and impacted a
campus of more than 28,000 students is featured in the introduction of Gallup’s Clifton Strengths
for Students book. Kristen was recently invited to share her inspirational story with an audience of
1,500 as the Keynote at the Gallup CliftonStrengths Summit 2018.

Emily Wellness Coach

Emily is a 200hr Registered Yoga Instructor though the Yoga Alliance, a trauma-based Clinical Therapist, and, just to mix it up (pun intended), has been a bartender for more than 8 years with an MA in Applied Behavior Analysis. She is extremely passionate about human behavior and the mind-body connection. Emily’s vast array of yoga based techniques includes basic mindfulness and meditation, chair yoga (yes, that’s a thing) and advanced asana practice. Grounded in a philosophy that “practice makes progress”, Emily offers a space that allows students to come up against a growing edge- appreciating, being grateful for what is, and being patient and welcoming of what is to come. Emily works to integrate breathe, movement, and the understanding of human nature to cultivate a higher sense of bliss and understanding.

Kevin Keynote Speaker

Kevin Flike, MBA is a decorated green beret who's story of perseverance and resilience has inspired thousands and is the subject of the documentary film Wounded by War. Upon graduation from college, Kevin enlisted in the Army. After two years of intense training in the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center (Special Forces Qualification Course), he earned the Green Beret. In April of 2009 he was assigned to the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Fort Lewis, Washington. He deployed twice to Afghanistan and participated in Joint Combined Exercise Training (JCET) in the Philippines and Thailand. During his second Afghanistan deployment, on September 25, 2011, Kevin suffered a gunshot wound to the lower abdomen. This marked the beginning of a long and painful journey. He sustained a fractured hip, lost 20% of his colon, and suffered a damaged femoral nerve, resulting in permanent disability. After six surgeries, thousands of hours of physical therapy and over 40 inches of scars, his health is progressing rapidly. In the spring of 2016, Kevin completed dual masters degrees from the MIT Sloan School of Management (MBA) and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (MPA). Kevin is currently employed within the financial industry in Boston, MA.

Jim Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

Jim has a passion for developing talent, creating leaders, and bringing out the best in people. With over 17 years leadership experience, he has successfully transformed cultures, built sustainable leadership networks, and consistently delivered outstanding results. As a Gallup Certified Strengths coach, Jim has logged hundreds of coaching hours and has delivered thousands of hours of training to bring out the very best in people, create highly engaged teams, and achieve top-tier performance for his clients to gain a competitive advantage in their industries. By focusing on natural talent and strengths, leaders can reach that new level of performance. Having proudly served as a US Army Ranger, Company Commander, Infantry and Logistics Officer, Jim thrives in a high-stakes environment where successful performance leads to meaningful impact, and he knows how to coach others to perform under pressure. Jim holds an MBA from D'Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University and a BS in Physics from Boston College. He is an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation, and a Change Cycle certified trainer. He has completed courses in Advanced CliftonStrengths® Coaching, Coaching Builder Talents for Entrepreneurs, and Creating an Engaging Workforce for Engagement Champions.
Jim's Top 5 strengths are: Futuristic, Strategic, Activator, Command, Significance

Cesar Business & Strengths Coach

Cesar began his career as a marketing manager in R & D for Latin America at Procter and Gamble. He moved to Miami to pursue his dream of starting Fit2GO, a Healthy Meal Delivery Service leveraging technology and logistics to satisfy the needs of health conscious professionals. A graduate of the MIT Entrepreneurship Masters Program, Cesar also founded RawBar2Go – the first licensed food boat in Florida, and The Profit Recipe – an entrepreneur coaching firm focused on processes and systems to scale businesses and allow entrepreneurs to live life by design. Cesar has served as the Chair for the EO Accelerator Program in So. Florida, empowering second stage entrepreneurs with tools and workshops on how to establish the foundation to scale and work ON the business instead of IN the business. He currently sits on the Global Committee for the program as Lead Expert.
Cesar is a Licensed Implementer of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a certified Trainer of the Gazelles International Accelerator Program, a certified Resource for EO Forum mastermind groups, and a Why Discovery Activator for Advantages.
More about Cesar

Luly B. Family-First Speaker & Thought Leader

After looking high and low for the illusive “work/life balance” everyone kept telling her about, Luly declared war on the term and made it her mission to share the hard truth…it doesn’t exist! She is a family-first speaker, consultant and author of Amazon best-seller “Balance is Bull$h!t” who helps women determine their own definition of success. She empowers them to create the life they want by accepting their gifts, living with confidence and perspective, and stepping into their greatness. She does this through her BOOST mastermind group, SUPER woman Retreat, one-on-one coaching and SPARK, her annual empowerment event. She also travels the country to share her message of empowerment, leadership, and confidence, reaching thousands of women, including clients and partners like Macy’s, Procter & Gamble, and Dell.
More about Luly